Juha Penttilä
Insight Meditation
Perspectives into the Body & Emptiness of the Body
Practice Lab Noticeboard
Weekly Meetings
Original Course description can be found here.
Weekly Meetings:
We will meet at this zoom link:
Zoom meeting id: 880 0377 8723
Passcode: 489391
Sessions will run 2 hours on Sundays 5:30 – 7:30 pm UK time. Please use a time conversion tool like http://worldtimebuddy.comto find the correct meeting time in your time zone (we will, for the sake of consistency, provide UK times for our main meetings and additional offerings)
The main session meets five times: Jan. 9, Jan. 16, Jan. 23, Jan. 30, and Feb 6.
We will add the weekly audio recordings to this google drive folder:
We will record and share recordings (audio only) of these meetings to registered participants in the course. If you wish to ask a question without being recorded, you may use the chat function, submit questions beforehand via email, or let us know you’d prefer not to have your question included in the shared recordings.
An alternative way of listening to the recordings is through the links below:
Week One: click here
Week Two: click here
Week Three: click here
Week Four: click here
Small Group Q&A Sessions (Optional)
Both Juha and Susy will host small group sharing / Q&A sessions at various times. The meetings will last up to an hour. You can view and sign up for meetings here:
Susy's group meets at this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88003778723?pwd=Y09rK3hGTC9Sc2hWalVNRGZhSWNaZz09
Juha's group meets at this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86774304180?pwd=RXZiRTZtZ2hqNnAwdTdZTUpMb3lRUT09
There are enough spots for all participants to do at least one session each. However, there will most likely be additional spaces available for those who want to go more than once, as not everyone will sign up for these.
We will use an honor system to ensure that those who have not yet had a small group session have priority: If you are signing up for a second session please put (2) after your name. If you have not yet done a session, please feel free take the spot of someone who has a number 2 or higher next to their name if there are no open spots.
If you are having trouble signing up for a small group and wishing to participate in this way, please contact us using the contact info below.
Daily Peer-led Sit
The daily peer-led sit will be happening every day 7.00-7.30 am UK time, 8.00-8.30 am Swedish time, 9.00-9.30 EEST etc. This is a great way to practice in silence together and we hope it will support your practice during this course.
We ask you to sign up as bellringers for this silent sit here in this google spreadsheet. The job of the bellringer is to welcome everyone to the meditation in the beginning of the sit and indicate with a bell or other similar dignified and suitable sound the end of the meditation.
The link to the daily sit is:
You are welcome to provide Dāna (donations) to the teachers at the intervals that you prefer (for each meeting; once at the end, etc). However, we ask for this course that you make two equal dāna payments (one for each teacher) when you offer dāna.
Dana for Susy:
via Paypal: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/susykeely
Or in other ways (European bank transfers, etc.)
Dana for Juha:
Via PayPal: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/juhapenttila
Or in otherways (bank transfers, etc.)
Lab notes on discord server
For this meditation lab we would like to encourage a spirit of experimenting and sharing the results of this experimentation with each other. To support this learning from each other we are offering a discord server as a place of collaborative learning where you can share your experiences of engaging with these practices, as well as hear from others. We would like to offer this as a safe space in which to practice respectful communication and listening. You can join the discord server through this link:
Once you've used the invitation link above you can join our course server through discord.com.
The discord server will be active for the duration of the course and we will close it one week after the course has ended. Only course participants will have access to the server, please don’t share the link with people not on the course.. If you’re new to discord you’ll have to register. You can create a handle with either your own name or a nickname if you prefer.
You can contact the teachers using the class email address skmeditation@gmail.com or the form below (emails are read by Juha and Susy only).