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Turning Towards the Difficult with Compassion:
Hindrances to Meditation, the Defilements of the Mind,
the Inner Critic and the Worldly Winds

Course dates: Five sessions on Mondays from the 10th of February till the 10th of March, 2025

Course meeting time: 6.00 - 8.00PM UK (UTC+0)    //    20:00 - 22.00 Helsinki (UTC+2)

Cost: Offered on a dana basis

Registration: Click here to register

The Buddhist meditation tradition identifies and names several hindrances to meditation: ill will, sensory desire, sloth & torpor, restlessness & worry, and doubt. Beyond these, there are also defilements, or unskillful tendencies of the mind, such as anger, greed, and delusion. We are also subject to the "eight worldly winds" — pain and pleasure, gain and loss, praise and blame, and fame and disgrace — that impact on us in different ways throughout life. When encountering these challenges, it is easy for the inner critic and unskilful reactivity to arise in relation to them.

On this five-session course, we will approach these teachings and qualities of the mind with compassion and curious investigation. Our intention is to understand these tendencies more deeply and to cultivate skillful ways of relating to them with wisdom and kindness.

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