Juha Penttilä
Insight Meditation
Individual sessions
One-to-one meetings can be a powerful way to support the deepening of one’s dharma practice. Regular conversations with a teacher can support the opening up of new perspectives into meditation, help sustain inspiration and motivation and support becoming aware of one’s own blind spots. The meetings provide a space for self-reflection and exploration of the dharma, and often insight and understanding can emerge organically through engaging in reflective dialogue and inquiry with another.
The content of the meetings
The content of the meetings can be anything related to the dharma and meditation practice which you feel to be important. Some of examples of themes can be:
Daily meditation practice and it’s regularity
Dealing with the inner critic
Awareness in relational situations and relationships
Meeting difficult emotions skilfully
Dharma in the context of the climate crisis
Developing samadhi, meditative collectedness of mind
Learning ways of letting go
Deepening in emptiness practices
These are just some possible themes, and not an exhaustive list. I generally prioritise working with whatever feels alive and important to you.
The length and frequency of meetings
I offer one-to-one meetings face to face in Helsinki, as well as through zoom. The length of the meetings is 30 or 55 mins, c. every three or four weeks.
Generosity and donations
Dana, generosity, is a foundational aspect of the whole tradition of the dharma teachings. When teaching the path of practice, the Buddha emphasised the importance of open handed generosity in sharing the teachings. The teachings have been passed down to us as a gift from each preceding generation of practitioners and teachers. In keeping with this practice and tradition of dana, I offer my teachings and one-to-one meetings on a donation basis. Teaching the dharma and the meetings are my main source of livelihood and it is the generosity of pracitioners that makes this work possible.
If you're interested in one-to-one support with your meditation practice, get in touch through the contact form below.