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Exploring Anatta - The Skill of Disidentification and the Emptiness of Self 15.2.-29.3.2021 on-line course
(Please note: this course is now fully booked, only waiting list places available)

That there is a self has been taught,

And the doctrine of no-self,

By the buddhas, as well as 

the Doctrine of neither self nor nonself.

      - Nagarjuna, Mulamadhyamakakarika XVIII. 6.


The emptiness of self is one of the central aspects of the emptiness teachings at the heart of the dharma. The self is understood to be a dependently originated fabrication lacking inherent existence. At the same time in the midst of our daily lives the experience of self may feel unquestionably real. Our whole life is wrapped around this important and beautiful sense of self.

On this course we will be focusing on two meditative practices which will support the deepening of an experiential understanding of how the self is fabricated - and exploring how our life can be a movement between different ways of seeing and conceiving the self.

In practicing the anatta way of looking we will become more familiar with the mind’s intuitive tendency to identify with the objects of experience; we habitually conceive of the bodily sensations, thoughts, mindstates, emotions and moments of consciousness as either belonging to ourselves or as parts of our selves. In this meditation practice we learn to compassionately let go of this habitual identification and to see all experience as neither self nor belonging to self.

In addition to the anatta practice we’ll explore Chandrakirti’s seven fold analytical reasoning, a intricate practice in which the concept of self is deconstructed through meditative reflection. These two meditative approaches will support the deepening of an experiential understanding of the fabricated and empty nature of the self.

This course is not suitable for people new to meditation. A thorough familiarity with mindfulness practices is required for participation, and an openness to new ways of approaching practice is helpful. In addition to meditation there will be some study material on the course and participants are expected to take on these practices for the duration of the course.

The course will take place over seven sessions on mondays from the the 15th of February till the 29th of March. We will be meeting at  18:30 - 20.30 Central European Standard Time (GMT +1). The course sessions will be recorded on vimeo for course participants only, so you can follow the teachings even if the live times of the course are not possiblel for you. In addition to these teaching and practice sessions an optional daily meditation sit will be available to the participants to support daily practice and deepening in the dharma. Optional group meetings will also be offered as part of the course structure. The course is offered on a donation basis.

You can apply to register for the course here. A sangha group in Stockholm is kindly helping to organise this course. For any practical questions please contact the organisers at:

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