Exploring meditation, movement & dance - an on-line course
On this course we’ll be exploring bringing together various meditative practices with movement and dance grounded in somatic awareness. Over four sessions we’ll explore themes such as mindfulness of the body, sensation based movement, working with imperfection, acceptance and the inner-critic, as well as learning to find enjoyment in movement and stillness.
Throughout the course we want to encourage a playful engagement with the course material. In our experience both the meditative and movement practices open up over time. To support this deepening we will have a daily zoom space for course participants to come and practice communally.
The course is inclusive of anybody interested in exploring meditation, movement and dance and open to all from beginners to seasoned practitioners.
The times and dates for the course are Mondays 4, 11, 18 & 25 January 2021. @ 7pm Helsinki time. The course sessions will also be recorded for participants, so you can still join even if the time doesn't work for you.
The course is offered on a donation basis and the registration form can be found at: https://forms.gle/pscU11nev4HZvMscA
About the facilitators:
Juha Penttilä has been practicing meditation since 2002 and has spent time living and practicing in meditation centers and Buddhist monasteries in Asia and in Europe. He co-founded the Nirodha Insight Meditation community in Finland in 2006 and has been actively involved in supporting the development of the practice community. Juha is currently in teacher training and is being mentored by Caroline Jones and Martine Batchelor.
Georgie Goater is a dance artist, performer and pedagogue from New Zealand based in Helsinki. She often situates her work within inclusive contexts and learns from being among diverse embodied perceptions. Her dance, choreographies and writing stem from collaboration and interests in materiality, the imagination, dreaming, betweenness and process-oriented creation. She gained her BPSA from Unitec NZ in 2006, and her MA in dance pedagogy in 2019 at Helsinki Theatre Academy.