Juha Penttilä
Insight Meditation
Perspectives into the Body and the Emptiness of the Body
A Practice Lab 9.1-6.2.22 [registration closed]
Course dates: Five sessions on Sundays from the 9th of January till the 6th of February, 2021
Course meeting time: 19:30 - 21.30 Eastern European Time (GMT +2). (5:30pm UK, 12:30pm New York, 9:30am Los Angeles)
Cost: Offered on a dana basis
Registration: Registration closed
The body is known as the first satipatthana, or foundation of mindfulness in the traditional buddhist teachings. The body forms an object of investigation and samadhi, through which meditation practice can begin to deepen and open. On this course we will be focusing on a variety of practices and perspectives into the body and embodiment. Moving between the different perspectives can begin to reveal how the body is felt and seen in different ways through different practices. This exploration forms the basis through which we can begin to deepen our understanding of the conditionality and emptiness of the body: we can sense and experience the body freely in a multitude of ways, which continue to support the deepening of our understanding of emptiness and samadhi.
Each session will include practice instructions and guided meditation, as well as time for questions. The course sessions will be recorded for course participants only, so you can follow the teachings even if the live times of the course are not possible for you. In addition to these teaching and practice sessions, an optional daily meditation sit will be available to the participants to support daily practice and deepening in the dharma. Optional group meetings will also be offered as part of the course structure. The course is offered on a donation basis.

This course is not suitable for people completely new to meditation. Some familiarity with mindfulness practices is required for participation, and an openness to new ways of approaching practice is helpful. Participants are expected to take on these practices for the duration of the course.
This course will offer practices that encourage the opening of new and potentially radical perspectives of our sense of self and sense of the world. While the teachers will do their best to offer a supportive container for such exploration together, we will be unable to provide individual support. Therefore we ask that you feel confident that your practice and life circumstances are relatively stable. If you have any questions about this please feel free to ask using the “contact” page.
Juha Penttilä has been practicing meditation since 2002. He has spent extended periods of time on retreats and in monasteries in Asia and Europe and is one of the founding members of Nirodha, the Finnish Insight Meditation practice community. Juha completed his Insight Meditation teacher training in 2020. In addition to exploring meditation, Juha’s teaching is influenced by the current climate crisis and engaged perspectives into the Dharma.
Susy Keely has practiced Buddhist meditation since 2001, and began practicing insight meditation five years later. In 2015 she began studying and training with Rob Burbea, and completed her teacher-training with him in 2020. She teaches meditation in Los Angeles, California, and is an artist and a parent. She is passionate about exploring the intersection between creative energies and contemplative practice, and supporting meditators wishing to pursue deep practice in the midst of daily life.